Party Name |
Executives |
Contacts |
Logo |
PANGU Pati |
President: Erigere Singin
78790103 /71314831 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PO Box 446 |
General Secretary : Morris Tovebae |
73311142 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Gordons, NCD |
Treasurer: Albert Mokai
7111 5710
Parliamentary Leader: Hon James Marape |
Peoples Progress Party (PPP)
President: vacant |
PO Box 6030 |
General Secretary: Moses Karr |
70462285 / 75409315 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Boroko NCD |
Treasurer: Byron Chan
Parliamentary Leader: Rt Hon Sir Julius Chan |
Peoples National Congress (PNC) |
President: Skerry Palanga |
70143213 / 9828874 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
PO Box 4172 |
General Secretary: Frank Makanuey
72448318 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Boroko, NCD |
Treasurer: vacant |
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Peter O'Neil |
PNG Country Party (PNGCP) |
President:Nelson Duabane |
70318302 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
PO Box 7134 |
General Secretary:Rose Kepo |
71739979 |
Boroko, NCD |
Treasurer:Gilmore Nekemopa |
72827928 |
Public Officer:Wilson Orlegge |
71135856 |
Authorised officer: Edwin Usoni |
7151 3037/76408496 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Parliamentary Leader: N/A
Peoples Labour Party |
President:Ricky Koneubau
71226594 |
PO Box 638 |
General Secretary: Charles Loke |
73330473 |
Madang, Madang |
Treasurer: Joe Daure
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Parliamentary Leader: N/A
United Party (UP) |
President: Eron Hagunama
PO Box 2266 |
General Secretary:Orpha Unage
70598656 |
Boroko, NCD |
Treasurer: vacant
Parliamentary Leader: N/A
National Alliance (NA) |
President:Joyce Grant
71791111 / 76252124 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
PO Box 424 |
General Secretary: Malagian Libertino
72593425 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Waigani, NCD |
Treasurer:Thomas Bullen |
76892056 |
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Walter Schnaubelt
PNG National Party (PNGNP) |
President:David Yak |
71319675 |
PO Box 1744
General Secretary: Dick Wama |
71042819 / 76313785 /78385746 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mt Hagen, WHP
Treasurer:Andy Siure |
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Kerenga Kua |
PNG Party (PNGP) |
President:Nelson Komako
PO Box 237 |
General Secretary: Kila Poka |
75393291 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Gordons, NCD |
Treasurer:Simon Simbiken |
70045601 |
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Belden Namah |
United Resource Party (URP) |
President: Mose Kopyoto
PO Box 24 |
General Secretary: Thomas Kummins |
72532890 / 76875381 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Port Moresby, NCD |
Treasurer: vacant |
Parliamentary Leader: Hon William Duma |
Melanesian Liberal Party (MLP) |
President: Emmanuel Tangi
PO Box 45 |
General Secretary:Levi Benson ToViliran
73005187 |
Rabaul, ENB |
Treasurer: Penticost Talvat |
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Dr Allan Marat |
Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM) |
President: Vacant |
PO Box 635 |
General Secretary: Ezekiel Pawai |
75770636 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Gordons, NCD |
Treasurer: Johanis Wandaki |
76861691 / 72165924 |
Parliamentary Leader: N/A
Peoples Party (PP) |
President: David Ericho
73872838 |
PO Box 218 |
General Secretary: Willie Palme |
72186065 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Waigani, NCD |
Treasurer: Mark Yakka |
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Dr Lino Tom
United Labour Party (ULP) |
President:Sir Bob Sinclaire |
PO Box 5733 |
General Secretary: John Avira
Boroko, NCD |
Treasurer: Rueben Giusu |
73344969 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Sam Basil Jnr
Social Democratic Party (SDP) |
Interim President: John Kamasua
PO Box 218 |
General Secretary: Justin Yatu |
72326156 / 76855284 |
Waigani, NCD |
Interim Treasurer:Patricia Mamele |
76176074/ 72324566 |
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Powes Parkop |
Coalition for Reform Party (CFRP) |
PO Box 903 |
General Secretary:Philemon Was Korowi |
79053338 / 7633187 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Port Moresby, NCD |
Treasurer: vacant
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Joseph Lelang |
Peoples Movement for Change Party (PMFC) |
President: Charlie William |
72125157 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
PO Box 3906 |
General Secretary: Rawali Bokuik |
71498402 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Boroko, NCD |
Treasurer: Natasha Bayak
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Gary Juffa |
Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party (THE PARTY) |
President: Warusam Debege |
76363634 |
PO Box 2975 |
General Secretary: Jack Naiyep
73244458 |
Boroko, NCD |
Treasurer: vacant
Parliamentary Leader: Hon. Don Polye
PNG One Nation Party (PONP) |
President: Jack Assa |
71263347 / 76159949 |
PO Box 27 |
General Secretary:Jonah Kamo |
72459232 / 75501810 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Vision City, NCD |
Treasurer: Dan David |
73853249 |
Parliamentary Leader: N/A
Allegiance Party (ALG) |
President: Ila Geno |
72088859/76868222 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
PO Box 1266 |
General Secretary:Susan Searson |
71673554 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Port Moresby, NCD |
Treasurer: vacant
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Bryan Krammer |
Melanesian Alliance Party (MAP) |
President: vacant
PO Box 484 |
General Secretary: Mek Onguglo
Waigani, NCD |
Treasurer: Ambrose Kusselley
72252051 |
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Joseph Yopyyopy |
Our Development Party (ODP) |
President: Andrew Terry |
73378844 / 76678844 |
PO Box 400 |
General Secretary: Habia Babe |
71212310 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Port Moresby, NCD |
Treasurer: Hakaua Harry |
71805849 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Sir Puka Temu |
Christian Democratic Party (CDP) |
President: Banare Bun |
PO Box 41 |
General Secretary: Korowa Pokeya |
71226594 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Waigani, NCD
Treasurer: Michael Tulake |
Parliamentary Leader: NA |
People’s Action Party (PAP) |
President: Ted Diro
79494999 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PO Box 5786
General Secretary: Johnson Limbya
75205132 |
Boroko, NCD |
Treasurer: vacant |
Parliamentary Leader: NA
People’s Freedom Party (PFP) |
President: Moses Murray |
71797670 / 3251142 |
PO Box 7276 |
General Secretary: Romanus Pakure |
72900896 |
Boroko NCD |
Treasurer: Herbert Wally |
Parliamentary Leader: NA |
People First Party (PFP) |
President: Pastor Dominic Krasombi
PO Box 2947 |
General Secretary: Peter Honale |
72565009 / 76852787 |
Lae, Morobe Province |
Treasurer: Joe Maima
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Richard Maru
Papua New Guinea Greens Party |
President: Wan Wak |
73574964 |
PO Box 511 |
General Secretary: Andrew Kutapae |
70318313 / 76693138
Port Moresby, NCD |
Treasurer: Jackrey Engas |
73656405 |
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Richard Masere
People’s Resource Awareness Party (PRAP) |
President: Paul Masta |
72412396 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
PO Box 2503 |
General Secretary: Gerard Manel |
Boroko, NCD |
Treasurer: Joe Tomi |
Parliamentary Leader: NA |
New Generation Party (NGP) |
Interim President: James Kond
PO Box 408 |
A/General Secretary: Killian Amini
72182522 / 73444440
Port Moresby, NCD |
Treasurer: vacant
Parliamentary Leader: NA |
The Levites Party (MLP) |
President: Guise Kula
PO Box 1334 |
General Secretary: Paul Kamakande |
70097483 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Port Moresby, NCD
Treasurer: John Wau
Parliamentary Leader: NA |
Grassroots United Front Party (GRUF) |
President: Sevese Avosa |
71322299 |
PO Box 501 |
General Secretary: Ethel Narua |
73342234 |
Port Moresby, NCD |
Treasurer: Tarua Ogela |
71617140 |
Parliamentary Leader: NA |
Papua New Guinea First Party (PNGFP) |
President:Alfred Ai’io |
71293101 |
PO Box 4595 |
General Secretary: Andy Hamaga |
71293101 |
Boroko, NCD |
Treasurer: Markus Koglma |
76276924 |
Parliamentary Leader: NA |
Authorized officer: Albert Mengere |
75406702 |
Model Nation Party (MNP) |
A/President: Ps. Timothy Saketo |
PO Box 6919 |
General Secretary: Ps. John Kubar |
73617118 / 76876303584 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Boroko NCD |
Treasurer: John Mong |
723 96 618 / 7650 2892 |
Parliamentary Leader: NA |
Trust PNG Party (TPNGP) |
President: vacant
PO Box 1101 |
General Secretary: vacant
Port Moresby, NCD |
Treasurer: Biatus Bito |
72541257 / 75563740 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Parliamentary Leader: NA |
Authorized officer: Alex Gandhi Maribu |
7197 7924 / 72456521 |
Liberal Party |
President: Peterson Apore |
73661073 |
PO Box 425 |
General Secretary: Justin Bosky
72099095 |
University, NCD |
Treasurer: Mack Lawai
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Sir John Pundari
Adore Papua New Guinea Party
President: Tanim Laeo
PO Box 307 |
General Secretary: Micha Yala |
71687973 |
Boroko, NCD |
Treasurer:Dianne Paiyakwan |
Authorized Officer: Micha Yala |
71687973 |
Parliamentary Leader: NA |
Papua New Guinea Liberal Democratic Party (PNGLDP) |
President: Augustine Rapa
79808429 |
PO Box 642
General Secretary: Killen Tanuve
74778827 |
Boroko, NCD
Treasurer: Patrick Wowonga
Parliamentary Leader: NA |
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Peoples Empowerment Party
President: Stanley Nandex
79614561 |
PO Box 814
General Secretary: Paul Yano
76282217 |
Boroko, NCD
Treasurer: Kala Komo
Parliamentary Leader: NA |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Ph: (675) 70658723/70268788 |
Papua New Guinea Youth Empowerment Party (PNGYEP) |
President: Aaron Auta
72014645 |
PO Box 5971
General Secretary: Julius Pololi
72363504 |
Boroko, NCD
Treasurer: Samuel Parker
Parliamentary Leader: NA |
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Authorized Officer: Femson Francis |
Peoples Reform Party (PRP)
President: Paul Hitamoore
PO Box 1670
General Secretary: Ismael Nelson
71960748 |
Boroko, NCD |
Treasurer: Chandra Wati
72265249 |
Parliamentary Leader: Hon James Donald
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ph: 325 1415
PNG Prosperity Party (PNGPP)
President: Harvey Bill Nii
79532151 |
PO Box 1963
General Secretary: Allan Baniyamai
Boroko, NCD
Treasurer: Luke Simon Akop
Parliamentary Leader: NA |
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Ph: 3250884
Indigenous Liberation Party |
President: Boka Kondra |
70055677 |
PO Box 2417 |
General Secretary: Tony McKinnon |
72849311 |
Vision City, NCD |
Treasurer: Pastor Albert Sengi
Parliamentary Leader: N/A
Authorized Officers: |
Frank Dauro, Mark Sakail, Joppy Maki |
Nation Action Party |
President: Thomas Amaiu
79310194 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PO Box 1325 |
General Secretary: Kenneth Rapa
Port Moresby, NCD |
Treasurer: Ka’apialani C.D.U Amaiu |
Parliamentary Leader: N/A |
Public Officer: Philip Kombi |
72371075 |
Peoples United Assembly Party |
President: vacant
PO Box 228 |
General Secretary: Alfred Nelson
72991288 / 70318314
Port Moresby, NCD |
Treasurer: Bruce Tegele
73097351 |
Parliamentary Leader: N/A |
Wantok in Godly Services Party
President: Shelly Launa
75467709 |
PO Box 462
General Secretary: vacant
University, NCD
Treasurer: Chapman Mogerena
79255528 |
Parliamentary Leader: N/A
PNG Youths Party
President: James Tonni
PO Box 3449
General Secretary: Jason Anda
Lae, Morobe Province
Treasurer: Robert Nicko
Parliamentary Leader: N/A
Authorized Officer: Kevin Maiyapi
70505009 |
PNG Destiny Party
President: Issac Joseph
73024107 |
PO Box 4657
General Secretary:Tom Watinga
Boroko, NCD
Treasurer:Jessie Mano
Parliamentary Leader: Hon Marsh Nawaree
People's Transformation Party
President: Haring Qoreka
700161124 |
PO Box 5231
General Secretary: Peter Seth
74366991 |
Lae, Morobe Province
Treasurer: Kombon Wam
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Parliamentary Leader: N/A
mb: 700161124/75733725
League for National Advancement Party
President: Martin Nilkare
72535879 |
PO Box 1 |
General Secretary: Nixon Koi Jr
Waigani, NCD |
Treasurer: Sam Pun
71183042 |
Parliamentary Leader: N/A |
Advance PNG Party |
President: Tom Sirae McGregor
71501865 |
PO Box 397 |
General Secretary: Joe Degemba |
73247953 |
Brian Bell Plaza, Gordons |
Treasurer: Cynthia Marley
Parliamentary Leader: N/A |
Future of PNG Party |
President: Dr Sergey Mossine
PO Box 397 |
General Secretary: Adrian Kup
Port Moresby, NCD |
Treasurer: Tikhon Mossine
Ph: 3281720 |
Parliamentary Leader: N/A |
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Public Officer: Buri Gabi
72678533 |
Authorized Officer: Kevin Wala |
75859276 |
Great Nation Party |
President: Ps Hanai Yanda |
PO Box 2571 |
General Secretary: Simon Eyork |
72536346 |
Boroko, NCD |
Treasurer: Samuel Si-i |
Parliamentary Leader: N/A |
Ph: 7253634 |
Public Officer: Geoffery Ambia |
72367599 / 75413205
Authorized Officer:Nathaniel Worike |
Paradise Kingdom Party |
President: Grace Kila Hasavi |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
PO Box 1414 |
General Secretary: Aaron Canisius Kapu |
73322922 / 76596053 |
Harbour City, NCD |
Treasurer: vacant |
Parliamentary Leader: N/A |
Peoples Guided Democracy Party
President: Sarong Mark
70832679 |
PO Box 4955
General Secretary: Gabriel Lala
73659629 |
Boroko NCD
Treasurer: Israel Nombi |
Ph: 70832679 /78458039
Public Officer: Paul Kerua
75795908 / 71968108
Authorized Officer: Bugana Gami
National Development Party
President:Peter Neville
PO Box 1229
General Secretary: Tom Manjin
Jackson Rd, 7mile NCD
Treasurer: Gregory Neville
Ph: 71169081
Public Officer: Errry Tara
71169081 |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Authorized Officer: Gregory Neville